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Here you will find the rules for experiencing your exclusive event in the abbey.

Read it carefully and download the application form to send to accoglienza@abbaziasanpaolodargon.org



This regulation governs the granting of temporary use to public and private third parties - natural or legal persons, parishes, diocesan bodies, committees or associations, third sector entities - of the spaces in the Abbey of San Paolo d'Argon, hereinafter referred to as the Abbey. The concession of spaces is subject to the full completion of the form entitled Attachment 1 and its acceptance by the Management.

ARTICLE 1 - Object of the Concession

Indoor spaces (conference room with a maximum capacity of 132 seats, refectory room with a maximum capacity of 92 seats, classrooms with a maximum capacity of 10 seats each, library with a maximum capacity of 10 seats, bar) or outdoor spaces (cloister) or all spaces where temporary exclusive use is requested (with a maximum capacity of 463 people) may be granted for temporary use. Use must be limited to the spaces granted and clearly indicated in the plan that can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, which is an integral part of it.

ARTICLE 2 - Purpose of the concession

Spaces in the Abbey may be granted for temporary use for:

- the holding of events, activities, cultural or recreational initiatives promoted and organised, in whole or in part, by diocesan offices and parishes;

- the holding of events, activities, manifestations, cultural or recreational initiatives organised by public or private entities - companies, third sector entities, religious associations - or individuals provided that they are compatible with the code of ethics (Annex 4) and values as well as with the institutional aims of the Fondazione Diakonia Onlus;

- photographic, cinematographic or multimedia filming, promoted by public or private third parties, provided that they are compatible with the code of ethics and values, with the Foundation's institutional aims as well as with the protection of the image of the latter and of the Abbey;

- activities of a commercial nature as long as they are compatible with the code of ethics and values, with the Foundation's institutional purposes as well as with the protection of its image and that of the Abbey.

ARTICLE 3 - Procedure for submitting the application for the concession

The request for the temporary use of spaces must be sent in writing using the form downloadable at the bottom of the page, also by e-mail to accoglienza@abbaziasanpaolodargon.org, to the Foundation at least 20 days before the start date of the intended use. If the request is submitted within a shorter deadline, the Foundation reserves the right to assess the actual possibility of granting the spaces.

The request must contain:
- the indication of the organiser of the initiative who takes responsibility for it;
- the type of space requested and the desired capacity;
- the type and content of the initiative, an indication of the target audience and the programme, even provisional, of the event with an indication of any speakers, guests and personalities present;
- the days and times of use;
- the days and times scheduled for set-up and break-down;
- the equipment and technical services required for the event and those provided by third parties;
- the name and contact details of a contact person;
- whether photographic or cinematographic filming is also envisaged for the purpose of promoting the initiative; in this case, it will be necessary to examine in advance the content of the filming and the relevant part of the script;
- the data required for invoicing.

ARTICLE 4 - Concession for consideration

Spaces are granted for a fee according to the rates downloadable at the bottom of the page.

For initiatives promoted by the Diocese, by parish realities, by associations and bodies linked to the Diocese of Bergamo, by associations in San Paolo d'Argon, subsidised rates will be applied, which can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

ARTICLE 5 - Modalities of the concession

Within 5 working days of receipt of the request, the grantor will send the applicant a written reply signed by the Director.

The total amount shall be paid in advance at least five working days before the event takes place.

Should discrepancies or non-compliance with the purposes of the concession and the content of the request be discovered during the course of the work, the concession shall be revoked.

The concession to use the space does not imply authorisation to use the name and logo of the Diakonia Foundation or the Abbey.

Applications for the concession of space must be made using the appropriate form which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

For entities with which an ongoing collaboration will be established, the above procedure will apply to the first concession of space; for subsequent requests a simplified authorisation procedure will be followed, which will be communicated.

ARTICLE 6 - Modalities of use of spaces

The temporary use of the Abbey's premises implies respect for and proper use of them, including the furnishings and equipment provided. The spaces and their equipment must be left in the same condition in which they were received.

In the event of non-compliance, the concessionaire shall be directly liable for any damages. Should the fit-outs involve temporary changes to the layout of the premises, they must be carried out by and at the expense of the concessionaire, in compliance with all safety regulations and measures.

Inside the enclosed spaces it is forbidden to smoke, to introduce animals with the exception of guide dogs accompanying blind persons, and to introduce inflammable or dangerous substances.

The concessionaire shall be responsible for any obligations regarding the obligation to notify the Public Safety Authority or copyright or other obligations provided for by current legislation, in relation to the type of event. A copy of the authorisations shall be provided to the licensor.

In the event of the exhibition of goods subject to protection laws, which therefore require particular vigilance, the same shall be at the care and expense of the concessionaire, releasing Fondazione Diakonia from any responsibility for any theft or damage to said goods.

In the event of damage to the spaces and their equipment, the costs of restoration shall be borne in full by the concessionaire.

ARTICLE 7 - Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001 and the Organisation, Management and Control Model

The Diakonia Foundation has adopted a Code of Ethics and an Organisation, Management and Control Model in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001. The code of ethics is published quiModel 231 is published qui. The dealer hereby declares that he has read and accepts its contents.

ARTICLE 8 - Entry into force

These regulations were approved by the Diakonia Onlus Board of Directors at its meeting on 24 July 2024 and will enter into force on 1 September 2024.