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2024 > Journeys. Road to interculturality

Thursday, June 6 | 18:00 |
Opening of the theme week and exhibition
Live on Facebook and Youtube page

June 7 to 9 |
Training weekend on intercultural approach 
The workshop illustrates and experiences the three stages of the intercultural approach elaborated by Margalit Cohen-Emerique: the
decentralization, the discovery of the other's cultural frame of reference, and mediation-negotiation.
To foster an interactive methodology, the workshop is structured in an "intensive" manner with this schedule:
Friday 7/6 4-8 p.m.; Saturday 8/6 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday 9/6 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Trainer: Giancarlo Domenghini (Coop. RUAH - Fileo)
For info and registration (free), email: formazione@fileo.it

Sunday, June 9 | 17:00 |
I share by walking
Workshop for responsible animators and Cre coordinators themed different abilities and shared travel (with NoisyVision and with UPEE). Registration required here (max 50 places).

Monday, June 10 | 6:45 pm |
Traveling through  
Roundtable discussion related to experiences of sports, walking and especially sharing spaces, skills and time (With NoisyVision, OMERO Group and Diocese of Bergamo Disability Office)

Thursday, June 13 | 19:00 |
Travel Dinner
Moment of sharing around tables of words, stories and dishes to share (with Servas Bergamo) 
Registration required here

Sunday, June 16 | 4:30 p.m. |
Diocesan mandate of travel experiences with Bishop Francis

Preparing for the encounters of the journey, preparing by leaving oneself open to the unknown, so that one can become a welcoming tent.

During the week:

June 6 to August 2 |
Travel and encounters 
Exhibition of illustrations dedicated to the theme of travel

Reading cues
Room dedicated to narrative and scientific reading cues by the Research Area of the Fileo project 

Film review

Every Thursday from June 13 to July 18
Saint Lucia Arena
Screenings begin at 21:00

the event dedicated to cinema, environment and sustainability, in the summer edition of June and July 2024, also presents within it some evenings entitled CINEMA IN CAMMINO with films and meetings dedicated to walking.
It is a journey that through cinema aims to open our eyes to observe the world around us, admire its beauty, and discover the preciousness of its resources.
The edition scheduled for summer 2024 alternates films of contemplation and amazement before the fascination of nature, shown with spectacular images on the big screen, such as THE OAK AND ITS INHABITANTS and THE SONG OF THE EARTH, with films of denunciation such as FOOD FOR PROFIT on intensive livestock farms. It then dedicates some appointments to stories related to walking experiences and the philosophy that this basic and primal way of experiencing the world brings: the films THE ROAD THAT ENCHANTS, a documentary on the Way of the Gods, A STEP OF A MAN based on Sylvain Tesson's work, and DEAR WERNER on the footsteps of Werner Herzog's walk from Munich to Paris will be presented.

Evenings beginning at 9:15 p.m., with short presentations and talks curated by SAS, Vagamondi and Legambiente.
A proposal of S.A.S. Servizio Assistenza Sale cinematografiche, in collaboration with:
Legambiente Bergamo; Vagamondi, a circle of wayfarers, hikers, walkers promoted by VivereLonguelo; Fileo

Admission 6.50 - 6.00 for over 65 and university students under 26
Reduced admissions only with carnets of 3, 6, 9 admissions valid for one year, every day, in all halls